Created Logos

When doing my own created logos, it was kind of hard to draw the shoe, I did the tracing method and I couldn’t really color the sections on the shoe like I wanted, but it turned out kind of nice in the end with the color blocking with the letters and the shoe. My screen fixing logo wasn’t that hard, I just used the pen tool to make the cracks.

Sneaaker SeekerScreen Queen Logo

Replica Logos

When doing my replica logos, the first one was pretty easy, I just used the eclipse tool to create the different shapes. The playground 11 logo was a little bit more difficult, because of the man shape in the middle of the word, I did the best that I could to make the man shape and the hat.

Allematrat LogoPlayground11 Logo


nike-just-do-it-logoHaving repetition throughout an advertisement or even a paper makes things look neater and more professional. Even repeating words or phrases gets people to think of that brand or company every time they hear the word or phrase. Repetition can be used in design by using the same watermark every time you advertise. For example Nike does not advertise without either the phrase “Just do it” or the Nike swoosh, so every time you hear it or see it you think of them.



Alignment is the placement of words or objects in correct or relative position. Alignment is used in graphic design to bring a sense of order to an ad or design. Alignment can be used various ways, whether its constructing an essay or making an easy to follow picture.


UnknownProximity is the grouping of relating objects. Proximity is important, because it allows attention to be drawn to specific parts of a document, and it keeps everything organized. In graphic design proximity is important, because it allows you to utilize your white space effectively.

Am I Creative?

“Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. It is a process; it’s not random.” – Ken Robinson. I believe I am creative by means of this definition. A lot of ideas I have are spontaneous, they are things that just pop into my head and I jump right onto it. Everyday I wake up and think, what can I do today to make myself stand out from others. I am not creative by means of pen and paper.


air jordan adAdvertising is important, because it is the number one thing that draws customers in. In order for customers to know about, and be interested in your product you have to make eye catching advertisements. Part of a good eye catching advertisement would include vivid colors, bold words, and even catchy sayings.